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Ballistic protection shield

Bono­wi Hart Armour deve­lo­ps and pro­du­ces bal­li­stic pro­tec­ti­ve ves­ts as well as bal­li­stic pro­tec­ti­ve blan­kets and other bal­li­stic equip­ment. we fol­low the VPAM and NIJ standards.

Ballistic protection shield Safe4Life Logo Safe4Life AirFrame

Foldable or rollable for com­pact trans­por­ta­ti­on, the shield can be car­ri­ed in a spe­cial bag or car­ri­ed as a back­pack. An inte­gra­ted cham­ber sys­tem allows the shield to be made rigid using a CO2 car­tridge. Inte­gra­ted shock-absor­bing mate­ri­al is incor­po­ra­ted into the shield pro­vi­ding addi­tio­nal trau­ma pro­tec­tion. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the shield can be con­nec­ted with addi­tio­nal Bono­wi® bal­li­stic shields and equip­ped with a varie­ty of bal­li­stic packages.

  • Upgradeable with pla­tes up to VPAM 6
  • Cut-resistant and impact-reducing
  • Usable as a res­cue and stretcher
  • Lever-ope­ra­ted suc­tion cups, metal hooks or magne­tic hol­ders allow for moun­ting on a wide varie­ty of surfaces
  • Opti­on to attach signal lamps, head­lamps, radi­os, medipacks
  • Dimen­si­ons: 180 x 80 cm
  • Color: black

The Air­Frame can be worn as a full body shield. The cover can be over­lap­ped and con­nec­ted to other covers on the side. Cir­cum­fe­ren­ti­al straps allow it to be worn safely. 

The Air­Frame can also be used as a tem­po­ra­ry res­cue and reco­very stret­cher. The bal­li­stic insert is sea­led water­pro­of and the outer cover is remo­va­ble. The robust, tear-resistant outer shell is machi­ne washa­ble. Reflec­ti­ve poli­ce signs can be atta­ched to the attack side. The pro­tec­ti­ve cover can be rol­led up and con­ve­ni­ent­ly trans­por­ted in a spe­cial car­ry­ing bag. 

AirFrame inner side
Ballistic protection shield Airframe Bag
Ballistic protection shield AirFrame
Ballistic protection shield Airframe open Bag
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Ballistic protective cover for door opening

Our fle­xi­ble, bal­li­stic pro­tec­ti­ve blan­ket with exten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties. The pro­tec­ti­ve blan­ket can be con­nec­ted with other blan­kets in the lon­gi­tu­di­nal direc­tion by means of zip­per, which allows to increase the pro­tec­ted area. This means that even lar­ger are­as can be bal­li­sti­cal­ly secured.

Each pro­tec­ti­ve blan­ket comes with a varie­ty of hand­les and two straps that allow it to be worn as a full body shield. Two cou­pled pro­tec­ti­ve blan­kets can also be used, for exam­p­le, as per­so­nal pro­tec­tion shields or hos­ta­ge pro­tec­tion blankets.

The hand­les ensu­re easy car­ry­ing (even of seve­ral con­nec­ted blan­kets) and the bal­li­stic blan­ket can be used as a tem­po­ra­ry res­cue and reco­very stretcher.

The built-in flap allows safe ope­ning of doors and locks.

The bal­li­stic blan­ket can be equip­ped with seve­ral bal­li­stic packages.

Ballistic blanket to the door opening inside
Inside with handles, straps and closed flap
Inside with open flap
Inside with open flap
Ballistic blanket to the door opening frontside
Exterior with fleece surfaces, closed flap and slide-in compartments for hardballistic plates
Exterior with open flap
Exterior with open flap
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