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Ide­al back­up pro­tec­tion sys­tem as a bal­li­stic sup­ple­ment. The Safe4Life Flex­Shield with soft bal­li­stic high-per­for­mance packa­ge, can be stif­fe­ned using a CO² car­tridge and worn like a pro­tec­ti­ve shield. In con­trast to our “lar­ge” Air­Frame pro­tec­ti­ve blan­kets, a much flat­ter infla­ti­on bul­ge with a smal­ler car­tridge is used here. Infla­ted to fit bet­ween car door and seat.

The base of the Flex­Shield is equip­ped with soft bal­li­stics of pro­tec­tion class VPAM 4. Depen­ding on the appli­ca­ti­on, it can be upgraded to pro­tec­tion class VPAM 6 using upgrade pla­tes (plus 2 x 2 kg for the enti­re area).


  • Smal­lest pack­ing dimen­si­ons with approx. 60 x 30 cm.
  • Acti­ve usable area: 60 x 60 cm.
  • Upgrada­ble with bal­li­stic pla­tes to VPAM 6.
  • Weight only 3.7 kg with soft bal­li­stics and less than 8 kg inclu­ding hard bal­li­stic plates!
  • Almost com­ple­te covera­ge of the upper body from the chin to the abdomen.
  • Fle­xi­bi­li­ty is retai­ned even when inflated.
  • Colours: black, olive.
Bonowi FlexShield


Unique system

  • The sign, mea­su­ring 60 x 60 cen­ti­me­t­res, comes fold­ed and is sup­pli­ed in a com­pact car­ry­ing bag.
  • The sup­pli­ed slide-in pla­tes for incre­asing the pro­tec­tion class to VPAM 6 are sto­wed in the car­ry­ing bag and can be inser­ted into the pla­te pockets pro­vi­ded in just a few seconds.
  • Wit­hout the hard bal­li­stic pla­tes, the Flex­Shield cor­re­sponds to test level VPAM 4, which means it is able to stop all hand­gun cali­bers up to .44 Magnum.
  • In addi­ti­on, it offers pro­tec­tion against stab­bing wea­pons, such as blades and spikes, up to a height of 80 joules.
  • In the area of the arm­rest, it offers addi­tio­nal impact pro­tec­tion, which also redu­ces trau­ma when shot at.
  • A CO2 car­tridge, which once trig­ge­red, fills the infla­ti­on bul­ge of the shield in a few seconds pro­vi­des the neces­sa­ry stability.
  • Mul­ti­ple shields can be con­nec­ted to each other via the con­nec­tion zip­pers to expand the pro­tec­ted area.
  • Lin­ked shields can also be used as stret­chers to trans­port inju­red people.
  • The infla­ted Flex­Shield has a car­ry­ing capa­ci­ty of up to 90 kg in the water.
  • The Flex­Shield offers maxi­mum pro­tec­tion com­pared to con­ven­tio­nal bal­li­stic shields due to its mul­ti­ple uses (bal­li­stic and stab/stab).
  • The Flex­Shield is easy to stow away in a vehic­le to save space.
  • Due to the ever more exten­si­ve resour­ces in the emer­gen­cy vehic­les, the­se are rea­ching the limits of the per­mis­si­ble pay­load. Every kilo that can be saved helps.
FlexShield Miri auf Boden
FelxShield olive frontside
FelxShield olive frontside
FelxShield olive backside
FelxShield olive backside

The Safe4Life Logo FlexShield can save lives!


Quick to use

Bonowi FlexShield bag
Trans­port in a com­pact bag.
Bonowi FlexShield bag open
Easi­ly remo­va­ble and rea­dy to use.
Bonowi FlexShield
Back with car­ry­ing hand­les and should­er strap.
Bonowi FlexShield bag
The car­tridge is inser­ted under a tab.
Bonowi FlexShield bag open
Insert car­tridge and rotate.
Bonowi FlexShield
Pull trig­ger unit. pres­su­re reli­ef val­ve below the cartridge.
Bonowi FlexShield bag
Flex­Shield is rea­dy to use.
Bonowi FlexShield bag open
Bonowi FlexShield

Bal­li­stic Plates.

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