+49-6131-90668-0 security@bonowi.com
Bonowi Body Protection Vest A1


Logo EKA Camlock

(Baton, short, expandable)

  • 100% func­tion under all rea­li­stic conditions
  • Available in 4 lengths – from 41 to 66 cm
  • Over 95% user acceptance
  • 10 years warranty
  • Under 1 % War­ran­ty cases over the enti­re term
  • A com­pre­hen­si­ve ran­ge of hols­ters and accessories

The baton can be ope­ned by a mode­ra­te swing from the wrist as well as by pul­ling on the tip. To Clo­se, press the release but­ton on the bot­tom of the hand­le, and push the par­ti­al rods tog­e­ther. The rub­ber-cover­ed hand­le and the sli­ding rings at the junc­tions of the indi­vi­du­al sec­tions help to absorb the impact energy.

Sli­ding rings enable low-noi­se ope­ning and clo­sing of the baton (no metal­lic grin­ding noi­ses, no ratt­ling) and pre­vent a boun­ce-back effect.

The EKA clo­ses the gap bet­ween simp­le phy­si­cal force and fire­arm use. We offer user-ori­en­ted and prac­ti­ce-rela­ted trai­ning programs.


Teles­co­pic batons are extre­me­ly effec­ti­ve defen­si­ve tools that can be used to block, res­train and sub­due an atta­cker.

The prin­ci­ple is very simp­le: when clo­sed, the baton is held in posi­ti­on by a spring. When exten­ded, it locks into place in its full length using the pro­ven fric­tion lock sys­tem and then func­tions like a con­ven­tio­nal baton.

To clo­se the baton, the tip must be pres­sed to the ground.

EKA FrictionLock auf EKA FrictionLock zu

  • Pre­cis­i­on tech­no­lo­gy:Our baton, which has been thought through to the smal­lest detail, was deve­lo­ped to meet the high demands of law enforce­ment agen­ci­es. A resour­ce you can rely on when you need it most.
  • Fric­tion lock: With a quick flick of the wrist, our baton with fric­tion lock can be easi­ly exten­ded and locked into place for imme­dia­te use. The relia­ble locking mecha­nism ensu­res sta­bi­li­ty and relia­bi­li­ty in all situations.
  • Com­pact and por­ta­ble: when retrac­ted, the baton is very com­pact and can the­r­e­fo­re easi­ly be car­ri­ed on a belt or stored in a vehic­le. When exten­ded, it offers an impres­si­ve ran­ge to keep you in con­trol at all times.
  • Non-lethal force: ur baton was deve­lo­ped to help you main­tain con­trol and pro­tect yours­elf and others, with a focus on mini­mi­zing harm. Non-lethal striking tech­ni­ques enable suspects to be stop­ped effec­tively and wit­hout unneces­sa­ry aggression.
  • Dura­ble con­s­truc­tion: Our Fric­tion­lock is desi­gned for hea­vy-duty law enforce­ment use and fea­tures a rug­ged, high-qua­li­ty con­s­truc­tion that will stand up to the demands of your work.
  • Com­for­ta­ble grip: the ergo­no­mic­al­ly shaped hand­le ensu­res a com­for­ta­ble and secu­re grip so that you can stay in con­trol in any situation.

You can rely on the quality and reliability you expect from Bonowi Hart Armour. Equip yourself with the best and most affordable telescopic baton from Bonowi Hart Armour.

EKA baton is available in 4 lengths from 41 to 66 cm
Län­ge geschlossen215 mm
Län­ge ausgefahren535 mm
Gewicht530 g
Durch­mes­ser Griffrohr28 mm
Durch­mes­ser Mittelrohr21 mm
Durch­mes­ser Endrohr16,3 mm
Durch­mes­ser Endkappe21,5 mm

EKA Holster & Accessories

EKA Cordura Holster Camlock baton Bonowi
Cordura Holster
Bonowi EKA safety grip rings

EKA handle safety rings

The grip safe­ty ring pre­vents slip­ping when the baton is expan­ded quick­ly. He will
by sim­ply cli­cking on the cap

EKA H3 Vega Holster Camlock baton Bonowi
H3 Vega Holster
EKA Aluminum Endcap

EKA Aluminum tip

We also offer the head in alu­mi­num as an opti­on. This is espe­ci­al­ly the case with the exten­ded (20mm) ver­si­on
Easy to take off with gloves.

Training stick blue EKA Bonowi

Training baton EKA

Deve­lo­ped for rea­li­stic ope­ra­tio­nal trai­ning, the EKA trai­ning stick cor­re­sponds exact­ly to the dimen­si­ons of the ori­gi­nal. Poly­ure­tha­ne with GRP core available in sizes 21″ and 26″. The EKA trai­ning baton is not telescopic.

X‑Trem Real training pad

The new impact pro­tec­tion trai­ning pad was spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped for EKA trai­ning, slight­ly roun­ded in a new sand­wich con­s­truc­tion with an inte­gra­ted PC pla­te for maxi­mum shock absorp­ti­on and ener­gy dis­tri­bu­ti­on. The cur­ved shape pro­tects against hits in the edge areas.

Hori­zon­tal­ly and ver­ti­cal­ly arran­ged hand­les make the pad varia­ble for all trai­ning situa­tions. The inter­ch­an­geable front can be exch­an­ged quick­ly and easi­ly and is available as a repla­ce­ment acces­so­ry. This makes the X‑Trem Real impact pro­tec­tion pad extre­me­ly hard-wea­ring and economical.

Training pad front Bonowi
Training pad detachable cover Bonowi
Training pad back Bonowi
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