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Stop Stick Logo

Stop Stick Kit

Stop­ping fle­e­ing motor vehic­les often invol­ves signi­fi­cant risks for poli­ce offi­cers, unin­vol­ved third par­ties, and the fle­e­ing vehic­le. The Stop-Stick® can be used quick­ly and safe­ly: it only takes around 8 seconds from stop­ping a pat­rol car to deploy­ing the road­block.
When dri­ving over the tire, the tips of the Stop-Stick pier­ce the tire and the Tef­lon-coa­ted steel tube pene­tra­tes the tread. The air is released in a con­trol­led man­ner. Defla­ting a tire on avera­ge in twen­ty to thir­ty seconds. Vehic­les remain on track and can be safe­ly bra­ked to a standstill. Click here for fur­ther informations.

Stop Stick Audi Autobahn

Stop Stick System

  • The pla­s­tic sheathing pro­tects the emer­gen­cy per­son­nel from inju­ries during operation.
  • The 24 m long nylon cord enables the emer­gen­cy ser­vices to
    a safe distance from the road.
  • Desi­gned to def­la­te tires in a con­trol­led manner.
    STOP STICK Kit Bonowi

    Structure and functionality


    After successful use, no dangerous objects remain on the road! Stop Stick® is easily removed from the road, so there is no danger to the following traffic.

    Stop-Stick® Kit:

    • RACK I: Three Stop-Sticks® and one spa­re stick, each approx. 100 cm length.
    • RACK I: Four Stop-Sticks® and one spa­re stick, each approx. 100 cm length.
    • With car­ry­ing bag, cord reel, 24 m brai­ded nylon line, 54 kg ten­si­le force.
    • Tear resistant nylon cover – 3m long dou­ble stit­ched nylon construction.

    Stop Stick in comparison

    Why do so many law enforce­ment agen­ci­es in the US and around the world choo­se the Stop Stick®? We belie­ve it comes down to a few basic things: offi­cer safe­ty, law enforce­ment effi­ci­en­cy, ease of use, speed of deploy­ment and sim­pli­ci­ty. The Stop Stick® is light­weight and easy to hand­le. It has no moving parts and is easy to store.

    Eigen­schaf­tenStop StickMit­be­wer­ber Sys­tem AMit­be­wer­ber Sys­tem B
    Ent­lüf­tet ReifenJAJAJA
    Kon­trol­lier­tes LuftablassenJAJAJA
    Kei­ne beweg­li­chen TeileJANEINNEIN
    Kei­ne außen­lie­gen­den SpitzenJANEINNEIN
    24 m SchnurJANEINNEIN
    Ein­satz­be­reit in unter 10 SekundenJANEINNEIN
    Funk­tio­niert in allen AusrichtungenJANEINNEIN
    Gewicht1,8 Kg3,6 Kg5,8 Kg
    StopStick 911
    Training Kit STOP STICK Bonowi

    Stop Stick Training Kit

    • 3 trai­ning stop sticks made of foam with the same weight.
    • 1 cord reel with 24 m nylon line, 54 kg ten­si­le strength.
    • 2 tear-resistant, dou­ble-stit­ched nylon slee­ves,
      each 3 m long.
    • Car­ry­ing bag included.

    Stop Stick Terminator Patrol Terminator

    Excellent for:

    • Bor­der patrol
    • Detec­ti­ves
    • Mili­ta­ry police
    • Pat­rol officers
    • Spe­cial Forces
    • Traf­fic control
    Terminator STOP STICK Bonowi


    • 5.1 cm long, Tef­lon-coa­ted steel tubes work quick­ly and wit­hout the risk of burs­t­ing, even with self-seal­ing tires.
    • Can be used with “roll­over” end caps for fast, safe use.
    • Reusable base made of dura­ble ABS plastic.
    • Each seg­ment con­ta­ins a Tef­lon-coa­ted steel tube that can def­la­te a tire in 5 seconds or less.
    • Snap-in end caps for easy repla­ce­ment of the end caps
    • Seg­ments during use wit­hout tools.

    Relia­ble and reusable pur­su­it pre­ven­ti­on. The indi­vi­du­al seg­ments of the Ter­mi­na­tor® can be repla­ced after use.

    Ori­gi­nal­ly deve­lo­ped for the US Cus­toms Ser­vice, the Ter­mi­na­tor offers addi­tio­nal secu­ri­ty at check­points, in secu­ri­ty are­as, during traf­fic checks, alco­hol checks, sur­veil­lan­ce, drug raids, arrest war­rants, etc.

    Terminator STOP STICK Bonowi
    Terminator  Patrol-Terminator
    Barracuda STOP STICK Bonowi

    Stop-Stick Barracuda

    Excellent for:

    • bor­der controls
    • Pat­rol officers
    • Spe­cial Forces
    • Traf­fic control
    Barracuda STOP STICK Bonowi


    • Quick and safe defla­ti­on of car, truck, bus and trac­tor-trai­ler tires.
    • Pla­s­tic housing pro­tects offi­cers during use.
    • Con­trol­led defla­ti­on of the tires.
    • 5.1 cm long, Tef­lon-coa­ted steel tubes work quick­ly and wit­hout the risk of burs­t­ing, even with self-seal­ing tires.
    • With “roll­over” end caps for fast, safe use.

    Bar­ra­cu­da helps con­trol traf­fic flow and increa­ses safe­ty by stop­ping cha­ses befo­re they start.

    The pla­s­tic housing ensu­res the safe­ty of the offi­cers, while the Tef­lon-coa­ted steel tubes release the air in a con­trol­led man­ner. No resi­due remains on the road surface. 

    Stop-Stick Piranha

    Stop Pursuits Before They Start

    Con­ve­ni­ent, con­cea­led deploy­ment. Relia­ble and reusable pur­su­it pre­ven­ti­on. Built to per­form and last. Piran­ha® is a com­pact, easy-to-use, and effec­ti­ve tool for defla­ting tires. It pro­vi­des addi­tio­nal con­trol during ope­ra­ti­ons whe­re the poten­ti­al for sub­ject flight is anti­ci­pa­ted, such as sear­ches, SEK ope­ra­ti­ons, and vehic­le checks. If a sub­ject tri­es to dri­ve the tar­get vehic­le away, the tire will def­la­te in 5 seconds or less. At just over 8.9 cm long and weig­hing only 147 grams, Piran­ha® takes up litt­le sto­rage space, yet offers signi­fi­cant advan­ta­ges – it stops pur­suits befo­re they begin.


    Stops pur­suits befo­re they start, saving lives and redu­cing pro­per­ty dama­ge. The pla­s­tic housing ensu­res the safe­ty of the offi­cers during use. Desi­gned to safe­ly def­la­te any tire in 5 seconds or less wit­hout the risk of a blo­wout. No resi­due is left on the road surface.


    Fits in the glove com­part­ment or under the seats.


    Works on vir­tual­ly any sur­face. Rug­ged, wea­ther­pro­of con­s­truc­tion with dura­ble pla­s­tic housing. Can be used on all vehic­le axles.

    Piranha Stop Stick Bonowi cross section

    Stop Stick vehicle stopping systems


    Stop Stick Ein­zelnStop Stick Rack 1Stop Stick Rack 2Stop Stick Trai­ningBar­ra­cu­daBar­ra­cu­da KitBar­ra­cu­da Trai­ningTer­mi­na­torPiran­ha
    Gewicht (g)490150020001500118036003600780145
    Län­ge (mm)91530004000300094030003000600110
    Abstand Hül­sen (mm)75757590909075
    Hül­sen­durch­mes­ser (mm)5559,69,69,69,6
    Hül­sen­län­ge (mm)47474750505050
    Anzahl Seg­men­te13431111311371

    Stop Stick Einsätze

    50.347Regis­trier­te Ein­sät­ze (Stand 16.05.2024)
    8,5 %Davon über 160 Km/h
    1%Über 200 Km/h
    97%Haben min­des­tens einen ent­lüf­te­ten Reifen
    75%Haben min­des­tens zwei ent­lüf­te­te Reifen
    32%Haben min­des­tens drei ent­lüf­te­te Reifen
    8%Haben vier ent­lüf­te­te Reifen
    Piranha Stop Stick Bonowi Hand
    Stop Stick StickBot
    StickBot Logo

    The Stick­Bot pro­vi­des law enforce­ment offi­cers with an intui­ti­ve, easy-to-use and fle­xi­ble tool to deploy the Stop Stick remo­te­ly, allo­wing offi­cers to main­tain a safe distance from the road­way and onco­ming vehicles.

    The Stick­Bot is con­trol­led remo­te­ly using a remo­te con­trol and can thus posi­ti­on the stop sticks on the road­way within seconds wit­hout the offi­cer or his vehic­le being in the vici­ni­ty of the roadway.

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