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News Group of Companies

Mainz, 13.10.2022

The Bono­wi Group, con­sis­ting of Bono­wi Inter­na­tio­nal Poli­ce Equip­ment GmbH in Ger­ma­ny and Stop Stick Ltd. in the USA, port­fo­lio com­pa­ny of Ran­tum Pri­va­te Equi­ty Fund II, has acqui­red 100% of the shares in Wesel-based Hart Armour GmbH. Hart Armour, spe­cia­li­zing in body and vehic­le pro­tec­tion pro­ducts, will be moving its head­quar­ters to the Bono­wi faci­li­ty in Mainz.

Bonowi GmbH Logo 1080
Stop Stick Ltd. 1080
Hart Armour 1080

A Ran­tum Capital’s spo­kesper­son said: “The addi­ti­on of Hart Armour to the Bono­wi Group is high­ly com­ple­men­ta­ry, both in terms of the pro­duct ran­ge and busi­ness expe­ri­ence. We are the­r­e­fo­re plea­sed to have com­ple­ted ano­ther sui­ta­ble add-on acqui­si­ti­on to our invest­ment in Bono­wi and are deligh­ted with the strong con­di­ti­on of the company.”

Addi­tio­nal­ly, CEO and foun­der of Hart Armour, Onno ‘t Hart, will assu­me the lea­der­ship role loca­ted in Mainz, Ger­ma­ny as CEO of Bono­wi IPE and Hart Armour and Chair­man of the Manage­ment Board con­sis­ting of Flo­ri­an Brandt (CFO), Inga Born­emann (COO) and Andrew Mor­ri­son. Onno ‘t Hart said: “I am plea­sed to have Hart Armour beco­me part of a reco­gni­zed indus­try lea­der for poli­ce and mili­ta­ry equip­ment of Bono­wi. As CEO it will be my mis­si­on to lead Bono­wi employees as we con­ti­nue Bonowi’s growth both dome­sti­cal­ly and inter­na­tio­nal­ly, while kee­ping our cus­to­mer-focus and pro­fes­sio­nal approach in ser­ving our Ger­man, Euro­pean, and glo­bal cus­to­mers from Mainz.”

Having suc­cessful­ly lead and streng­thening the glo­bal orga­niza­ti­on, inclu­ding record per­for­mance of the acqui­red US-based Stop Stick Ltd busi­ness, cur­rent CEOAn­drew Mor­ri­son will con­ti­nue as a mem­ber of the Bono­wi manage­ment board, ser­ving as Pre­si­dent & CEO of sub­si­dia­ry Stop Stick Inc., with focus on buil­ding the Bono­wi brand pre­sence in the USA, offe­ring Bono­wi pro­ducts with local ser­vicing to its now 12,000+ USA agen­cy cus­to­mers: “I am exci­ted by the acqui­si­ti­on of Hart Armour, and adding someone of Onno’s calib­re having a deep expe­ri­ence-based know­ledge of bal­li­stic and per­so­nal pro­tec­tion pro­ducts, while also brin­ging well-estab­lished rela­ti­onships within our Ger­man sta­te minis­tries and Euro­pean cus­to­mer base. I I am con­fi­dent that cus­to­mers and share­hol­ders will bene­fit as Bono­wi estab­lishes as the go-to sup­pli­er of the­se important pro­ducts, cen­tral to our mis­si­on of pro­tec­ting tho­se who pro­tect the rest of us .”

About the Bono­wi Group: Bono­wi is a lea­ding sup­pli­er of poli­ce, law enforce­ment and mili­ta­ry equip­ment to pro­tect per­son­nel around the world. It curr­ent­ly sup­pli­es almost all poli­ce forces in Ger­ma­ny and a lar­ge majo­ri­ty of poli­ce agen­ci­es in the USA and Euro­pe. Its mis­si­on is to pro­tect tho­se, who pro­tect others.

About Hart Armour: Hart Armour is a sup­pli­er of body armour as well as a spe­cia­list in bal­li­stic pro­tec­tion solu­ti­ons for vehic­les, ships and aircraft.

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