+49-6131-90668-0 security@bonowi.com
Recon Robotics OCU 3 Bonowi

Recon Robotics

Recon Robo­tics is the world lea­der in tac­ti­cal micro­ro­bots and per­so­nal sen­sor sys­tems. Near­ly 6,000 Recon­Ro­bo­tics® robots have been deploy­ed world­wi­de by the U.S. mili­ta­ry and inter­na­tio­nal fri­end­ly forces; fede­ral, sta­te and local law enforce­ment agen­ci­es; bomb dis­po­sal teams; and fire and res­cue teams.

Every day, they use the company’s Recon Scout®- and Throwbot®-Devices to pro­tect their per­son­nel, mini­mi­ze col­la­te­ral dama­ge, and get instant intel­li­gence in dan­ge­rous and hosti­le environments.

Click on the image to view the cur­rent catalog.

2023 Recon Robotics Catalog

Throwbot 2

The THROWBOT 2 (TB2) is a thro­wa­ble micro­ro­bot that pro­vi­des emer­gen­cy respon­ders with instant indoor and out­door video reconnaissance.

In the field, it can be con­trol­led to move quiet­ly through a buil­ding and trans­mit real-time video and audio to the user’s con­trol unit (OCUIII).

The­se scou­ting fea­tures can be used for loca­ting and iden­ti­fy­ing sus­pi­cious per­sons or pos­si­ble hos­ta­ges, as well as for scou­ting the premises.

When used in con­junc­tion with the Recon Scout Search­Stick, respon­ders can trans­form the THROWBOT 2 unit into a ver­sa­ti­le baton came­ra. This faci­li­ta­tes the inspec­tion of attics, roofs and inters­ti­ti­al spaces.

Throwbot 2 Full Kit OCU3 Bonowi
Throw­bot 2 with OCU 3 “Full-Kit”
Throwbot 2 indoor Bonowi
THROWBOT 2 with S‑Wheels for flat Terrain/Indoor
Throwbot 2 standard Bonowi
THROWBOT 2 with M‑Wheels Stan­dard Kit
Throwbot 2 XL Offroad Bonowi
THROWBOT 2 with XL-Wheels for dif­fi­cult terrain
Recon Scout SerchStick Bonowi

Recon Scout SearchStick

With the Recon Scout® Search­Stick™ respon­ders can turn any Recon Scout robot into a ver­sa­ti­le baton came­ra. With the Search­stick, task forces can secret­ly place the robot in an ele­va­ted loca­ti­on, or in a locked room, and retrie­ve it later when recon­nais­sance is complete.

The Search­Stick has a fold­ed length of 52 cm and can be exten­ded to a length of 183 cm.

The Throw­bot® 2 robot is sim­ply clam­ped into the powered clamps of the bar and the bar is exten­ded to the requi­red length. The robot then trans­mits live video of the envi­ron­ment to the por­ta­ble Ope­ra­tor Con­trol Unit (OCU).

With the Search­Stick™, respon­ders can deploy the robot unob­tru­si­ve­ly to an unre­acha­ble loca­ti­on, in a high-rise buil­ding, base­ment or con­fi­ned space, while remai­ning under cover, and retrie­ve it later when the recon­nais­sance is complete.

Recon Scout SerchStick Bonowi
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