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The MTEK helmet system

Innovation redefined.

Bonowi introduces the MTEK helmet system.

It is often said that neces­si­ty is the mother of inven­ti­on: MTEK USA was foun­ded on this principle. 

The mili­ta­ry expe­ri­ence gave the com­pa­ny foun­ders a spe­cial per­spec­ti­ve for the deve­lo­p­ment of their pro­ducts. Indi­vi­du­al gear has evol­ved signi­fi­cant­ly over the years, but it has­n’t always been like this. “Upgraded” used to mean more weight. 

MTEK has been suc­cessful on the mar­ket for over 16 years. The deve­lo­pers do their best, always stri­ving to impro­ve and push the limits of what is pos­si­ble. They draw moti­va­ti­on from the sacri­fices made by their sis­ters and brot­hers in arms.

This dri­ves the peo­p­le of MTEK USA to con­stant­ly inno­va­te and stri­ve for perfection.

MTEK Flux Carbon Bonowi

Impact protection helmets





High-strength poly­mers are used exten­si­ve­ly in the FLUX and STRIKE – in fact, 68% of the FLUX Car­bon hel­met and 96% of the FLUX Bal­li­stic are made from a poly­mer fiber. As gra­phic shows, the FLUX Bal­li­stic Sys­tem con­ta­ins a very small amount of metal. Actual­ly, when com­pa­ring total weight, less than 2% of eit­her hel­met con­sists of fer­rous or non-fer­rous metal. This equa­tes to sub­stan­ti­al weight savings making it one of the stron­gest, ligh­test-weight hel­mets available today.

Carbon in %

Ballistic in %

Advanced Geometry

The MTEK helmet system follows the natural shape of the head

The first thing you feel when put­ting on an MTEK hel­met is how it hugs your head. The geo­me­try of the outer shell is the most important fac­tor in the design of a hel­met. This is becau­se all other fea­tures must fol­low this “pri­ma­ry refe­rence body” in one form or ano­ther. MTEK hel­mets are desi­gned to con­form to the natu­ral shape of your head, resul­ting in grea­ter com­fort and sta­bi­li­ty even when you wear the hel­met for hours or attach access­ories. This helps to actively redu­ce men­tal and phy­si­cal fatigue.

Hundreds of varia­ti­ons and revi­si­ons have gone into the “MTEK shell” design, becau­se a bet­ter hel­met starts with a bet­ter hel­met shell!

Bonowi MTEK Flux helmet system cross section
Bonowi MTEK Flux helmet system side view

side view

The rim pro­fi­le of the “MTEK shell” is desi­gned to be com­pa­ti­ble with all head­sets, gog­gles and respi­ra­tors. The rear pro­fi­le allows for pro­per cle­arance when you’­re wea­ring a bal­li­stic vest and does not rest­rict move­ment even when lying in the pro­ne position.

Bonowi MTEK Flux ergonomics


The “MTEK shell” was desi­gned to fit snu­gly to the head and has a distinct under­cut on the outer shell. This devia­tes from the tra­di­tio­nal designs that have a ten­den­cy to “fla­re out” at the base of the shell. This design is simp­ler to manu­fac­tu­re, but dis­ad­van­ta­ge­ous for wea­ring comfort.

Bonowi MTEK Flux Helmsystem undercut


The under­si­de of the “MTEK shell” extends fur­ther down and pulls into the midd­le. This lowers the rear moun­ting posi­ti­on of the reten­ti­on sys­tem, and allows the sus­pen­si­on sys­tem to fur­ther crad­le your head. This adds signi­fi­cant­ly to the over­all sta­bi­li­ty of the hel­met, espe­ci­al­ly when car­ry­ing lar­ge night visi­on gog­gles or other moun­ted accessories.

Uncompromising Protection

The most modern mate­ri­als and pro­ces­sing tech­no­lo­gies are used in the manu­fac­tu­re of each indi­vi­du­al MTEK hel­met. This is done in the pur­su­it of pro­vi­ding you the hig­hest per­forming hel­met sys­tem available today. For exam­p­le, addi­tio­nal car­bon fiber has been added to fur­ther increase the shell rigi­di­ty and impact per­for­mance of the FLUX Car­bon. Only the latest gene­ra­ti­on of poly­ethy­le­ne fibers are used for the FLUX and STRIKE Bal­li­stic, which pro­vi­de the hig­hest level of bal­li­stic protection.

Bonowi MTEK Flux helmet system front view

One shell, multiple helmets

If you want to expand the pro­tec­tion area of your FLUX or STRIKE hel­met shell, we have the right thing for you. The MTEK hel­met sys­tem has seve­ral vari­ants of addi­tio­nal side panels, giving you seve­ral dif­fe­rent hel­met styl­es for the pri­ce and com­fort of one. The­se covers attach seam­less­ly under­neath the side rail mounts, allo­wing for maxi­mum acces­so­ry space or “rail estate”. The covers were desi­gned to over­lap the shell edge pro­vi­ding you increased pro­tec­tion should a frag­ment or slug impact any­whe­re along the seam. The covers, as well as the man­di­ble and visor sys­tem, will be available after the release of the FLUX Bal­li­stic hel­met. Like the FLUX shell, all addi­tio­nal com­pon­ents are also available in the “Car­bon” (car­bon fiber) and “Bal­li­stic” pro­tec­tion levels.

Bonowi MTEK Flux Helmet system
Bonowi MTEK Flux Helmet system
Bonowi MTEK Flux Helmet system

Wilcox L4 Shroud

The L4 repres­ents what some would call the “gold stan­dard” of shroud design. It has a low pro­fi­le, anti-snag geo­me­try and fea­tures an anodi­zed 6061 insert that accepts all of your opti­cal devices and came­ras. This rock-solid mount is pre­cis­i­on manu­fac­tu­red by Wil­cox Indus­tries in their sta­te-of-the-art manu­fac­tu­ring facility.

Bonowi Wilcox L4
Bonowi Wilcox L4

The FLUX bolt-less con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on is main­tai­ned even with the Wil­cox L4 shroud. It is con­nec­ted to the front sup­port struc­tu­re with light­weight, anodi­zed 6061 screws secu­red with nylon washers to keep the cover sta­ble and under pro­per ten­si­on. The three t‑nuts repre­sent the hig­hest “volu­metric mass den­si­ty” of any fas­ten­ers con­tai­ned in the FLUX hel­met (basi­cal­ly, they’­re the hea­viest fas­te­ner of the hel­met). Their com­bi­ned weight is a litt­le more than four US one dol­lar bills (4.73g).

FLUX Accessory Rails

The flat hel­met rails offer the MTEK hel­mets an end­less varie­ty of pos­si­ble access­ories and attach­ments. The rails uti­li­ze the pro­prie­ta­ry Mag­pul® M‑LOK slots found on your favo­ri­te black rif­le. The­re are mul­ti­ple tie-down points available when rou­ting cables over or around the hel­met. The O2 clip port is com­pa­ti­ble with most exis­ting cen­ter release buck­les. The sta­ble 3‑point moun­ting sys­tem pro­vi­des a rigid, adap­ta­ble plat­form for moun­ting a varie­ty of access­ories and devices.

Bonowi MTEK Flux helmet system front view
Bonowi MTEK Flux Helmet system

Each set of rails ships with a pair of Batt­le Bun­gees. Ide­al for addi­tio­nal sta­bi­liza­ti­on of, for exam­p­le, night visi­on devices or for tem­po­r­a­ri­ly atta­ching lens caps or covers for moun­ted devices and accessories.

Bonowi MTEK Flux helmet system front view

The acces­so­ry rails are ful­ly com­pa­ti­ble with the M‑LOK sys­tem. Desi­gned by Mag­pul, the­se direct attach­ment slots allow you to hard mount a wide ran­ge of access­ories to your helmet.

Bonowi MTEK Flux Helmet system

The M‑LOK Acces­so­ry Rail includes a light­weight spa­cer that you can remo­ve to expand the hel­me­t’s area of pro­tec­tion with addi­tio­nal bal­li­stic side panels.

Bonowi MTEK Flux helmet system front view

Built Tough.

The­se rails, like the rest of the MTEK hel­mets, have been engi­nee­red for maxi­mum per­for­mance. They’­re mold­ed from a semi-crystal­li­ne aro­ma­tic poly­ami­de res­in that ensu­res mois­tu­re and che­mi­cal resis­tance over a wide ran­ge of tem­pe­ra­tures and envi­ron­ments. Rein­for­cing ribs have been appli­ed to all major stress points to fur­ther part rigi­di­ty and decrease flex. All unneces­sa­ry mate­ri­al has been remo­ved from the rails and spa­cer to keep weight to an abso­lu­te minimum.

Bonowi MTEK Flux helmet system front view

Fluxliner Suspension, Cam-Lock Retention

The Fluxli­ner™ gives the MTEK hel­met a soft, tail­o­red fit and supe­ri­or sta­bi­li­ty that your old hel­met was miss­ing. It’s manu­fac­tu­red using a pro­prie­ta­ry rate-sen­si­ti­ve foam that has excel­lent impact per­for­mance. In addi­ti­on to the impact liner, each FLUX hel­met includes two sets of mul­ti-thic­k­ness com­fort pads that allow you to mana­ge the inte­ri­or lay­out to get that per­fect, cus­tom fit. Cam-Lock reten­ti­on with Inver­se­clip® make for a hass­le free instal­la­ti­on and sizing. The back reten­ti­on moun­ting points have been lowe­red to the bot­tom ext­ent of the shell for maxi­mum four-point sta­bi­li­ty. This design fea­ture allows for the eli­mi­na­ti­on of the nape strap, resul­ting in a sim­pli­fied, light­weight retention.

FLUX FULL vertical.164
Bonowi MTEK Flux Helmet system

Impact Liner

Made from a vis­coela­s­tic foam, the Impact Liner is desi­gned to pro­vi­de maxi­mum impact pro­tec­tion while pro­mo­ting air­flow in the Car­bon and Bal­li­stic ver­si­ons of the MTEK helmets.

Bonowi MTEK Flux helmet system front view

Comfort Pads

The com­fort pads are repo­si­tionable and allows you to cus­tom fit the Fluxli­ner to the exact topo­lo­gy of your head. Each FLUX ships stan­dard with two sets of com­fort pad sizes ensu­ring a pre­cise fit.

Bonowi MTEK Flux Helmet system

Retention System

Maxi­mum hel­met sta­bi­li­ty is ensu­red by using a four-point reten­ti­on. Cam-Lock sliders allow you to quick­ly adjust the ten­si­on, even while wea­ring the hel­met. Chin cup is lined with suede lea­ther for incre­di­ble comfort.

Featuring the Inverseclip®

With the Inver­se­clip® from Hel­met­Comp you can quick­ly and easi­ly remo­ve the harness from the FLUX hel­met shell. It con­sists of a two part design com­pri­sing of the wedge clip and the base, both manu­fac­tu­red from high-per­for­mance, engi­nee­ring gra­de poly­mer. The reten­ti­on sys­tem (web­bing) is con­nec­ted to the wedge clip, and the base is bond­ed to the inte­ri­or of the hel­met shell using the same high per­for­mance adhe­si­ve found in the outer shell retai­ning structures.

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